Coast 2 Coast takes fire safety seriously and understand the complexities within this aspect of the Building Regulations for both the commercial and residential builds. We therefore provide a service where you can approach us at an early stage to give an overview of the design before it is submitted to planning.
At an early stage we can give advice on whether extra features should be provided that could affect planning and design issues for the client.
There are many occasions where the current guidance given to help with compliance is not sufficient to achieve the type of design you wish to achieve. At this early stage we can advise if you need a fire engineer to aid you with your design, whom we can work closely with to ensure that both us and the fire brigade will be satisfied as well as your needs.
In the case of multi-occupied residential buildings, the Fire Safety Act puts beyond doubt that the structure and external walls of a building along with flat entrance doors fall within the scope of the Fire Safety Order. The Fire Safety Act will require Responsible Persons to ensure that these elements are included in their fire risk assessments, Coast 2 Coast surveyors can advise building owners and management of buildings of their legal duties.
The fire brigade play an important role in the approval process as under Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 (enforced by the fire brigade), the building owner and occupier are required to produce a fire risk assessment that goes beyond the Building Regulations before the premises are occupied.
Under Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations 2010 fire safety information relating to the design and construction as well as refurbishment of a building, needs to be passed over to the building owner/occupier before our final certificate is issued.
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We Work closely with our clients to achieve the best results and strive to ensure that they meet the current legislation with the people who are to occupy the buildings being our priority.
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